Hot51: Discover Your Perfect Live Partner and Earn 70% Commission

Join Hot51, the ultimate program for finding a beautiful live partner. Earn a lucrative 70% commission while connecting with stunning individuals. Explore now!

Welcome to Hot51: Where Connections and Commission Meet

In a world where finding a beautiful live partner can be both thrilling and challenging, Hot51 stands as the quintessential platform for those seeking not only to meet captivating individuals but also to earn a remarkable 70% commission in the process. Embark on an exhilarating journey where passion, connections, and financial incentives converge harmoniously.

Hot51 - Need to recruit women to do IDOL LIVE stream Job requirements

  • Girls only need to have a good appearance to confidently apply immediately
  • Young people have talent or talent in a certain area, for example: singing, dancing, cooking, telling stories, playing the piano…
  • Students studying at universities, colleges, and intermediate schools in Vietnam
  • No experience or guidance will be provided
  • Unlimited income based on personal efforts (70%)

What is the remuneration for working (casting) of livestream models at HOT51?
HOT51 tries to perfect a common remuneration calculation for models and this calculation will be based on logic, supply and demand of the market as follows:

More experienced models will have higher casts
Models with better physiques will have better casting
Models with a professional working style that bring in higher revenue will have more attractive casting rates.
Models that are sought after by more shops will have better casting levels.
Based on widely accepted rules as shown on, sample casting will be calculated according to the following calculations:

Based on the number of hours and number of shops you have worked in to determine your experience
Based on BMI to determine physical attractiveness (not the best way to calculate but an easy way to apply)
Based on the shop’s feedback to know the model’s working style
Based on the requirements of the shops to determine the model’s popularity
With the above calculation, the salary for models without experience can be up to 300-500k/hour worked and for models with experience the salary can be from 500k-1 million/hour worked.

We are proud to be the first professional livestream booking unit in Vietnam. Coming to Hotlive, you will have the following benefits:

  • Flexible hours, no dependencies
  • Receive training and learn from experience
  • Salary according to market level
  • Can do multiple live at the same time
  • Can sign exclusive rights (if desired)
  • Ensure salary payment on time
  • If you do well, you will have a chance to get a salary increase
  • Auction for salary increase (in case many shops have the same book)
    Guaranteed benefits for the model
Hot51 idol live stream


Join us on this exciting journey where creativity knows no boundaries, and collaboration is not just a task but an experience. Ignite your passion, enhance your teamwork, and explore the limitless potential of collaboration with Hot51 Live. Welcome to the future of connectivity; welcome to Hot51 Live.






